promotING economic inclusion and financial security FOR Chatham County

Step Up Savannah celebrates the diversity of thought, action, and cultural groups within our community and is committed to equity for all people. We act on our belief that the beloved community journey will be enhanced if it is diverse in nature by actively advocating for and promoting respect and understanding for different cultures, social groups, and experiences. Equity is a core value at Step Up Savannah, where we are committed to diversity and inclusion by honoring experiences, perspectives, and unique identities. Together with our partners, Step Up strives to create and maintain working, service, learning, and collaborative, inclusive, equitable, and welcoming environments.
why we do what we do
Living Below 200% FPL are Uninsured
Households of Color with Zero Net Worth
Spending over 30% of Income on Rent
Max. Expected Income in Opportunity Zones
Programs WE OFFER
WORKFORCE Development
Developing a skilled and educated workforce to achieve upward mobility for our low-income community
Building Wealth
Promote policies and programs that help low-and moderate-income Savannah families
Advocacy & POLICY
Focuses on local, regional and state issues
Step Up Savannah believes that Savannah is a community where all people have hope and opportunity, where we challenge injustice and where all community members step up to create a more economically inclusive community.