Workforce Development
Adults without a high school diploma or GED (General Educational Development tests) have extremely limited employment opportunities and are not competitive in the 21st-century job market. Further, an under-educated, unskilled workforce affects our entire community’s economic development.
Local workforce development service providers face a two-fold challenge. They must encourage and support low-wage earners in their efforts to access and complete training programs that lead to higher-wage jobs, and they must work to understand the needs of local employers so they can develop programs responsive to their skill requirements.
14% of adults in Savannah do not hold a high school degree
Helps unemployed and under-employed Chatham County residents find or create career paths that offer family-sustaining wages and opportunities for advancement.
The Working Families Network (WFN) is a collaborative that aims to build the capacity of community-based organizations, develop our skills collectively, and implement innovative community strategies that assist low-income individuals to achieve economic mobility.
Currently, the network consists of more than 60 organizations serving low-income Savannah/Chatham County residents.